05 November 2015

Make your own Halloween Candles

Coming from our Spirit of Halloween Crafts event we thought of sharing how we made some of the crafts we did to decorate the event and things the kids crafted during the event. 

Of all the crafts we made this was the easiest. Candles! We have to admit, in any event candles is always a nice thing to have flickering during the holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, wedding and yes - halloweeeeeeen! Isn't it great that you have those battery candle lights now. You can now light them safely indoors.

Here is our version on how we turned our ordinary white candles into our halloween candles. 
If you are a kid I suggest adult supervision. Anytime you play with fire things can get bad. 

All you need are white candles and 1 pc of red candle, a lighter and your candelabras or candle holders. Have some old newspapers ready so you don't mess up your table while you work on these candles. Now, making these you needs some patience. We need to get the candle wax melting and you need to let it dry to get that nice blood dripping effect. :) Get a really rich red colored candle so that you can get that rich red contrast effect. If you do happen to find black candles am sure it will looks awesome too.  If you are using this out door, you definitely should light them up and the white wax and red wax will all blend and mix as the candle burns the wax through.
Start by lighting up your red candle. As you see the wax melting slowly let it drip on the white candle. Just make sure you drip it on the candle and not on the wick of your white candle! You can see in the photo below we did happen to do that in 2 of our candles. :) We still had a nice effect but if you plan to light them up then that will be a problem. Continue to just let the red wax drip naturally. Layer after layer, let it drip slowly. Ones your are happy with the effect just wait for it to dry.
Now find a nice place for your candles to display and you are all set.

If you loved this craft do like us on our facebook page and continue to follow us on Instagram #ohjoyandco.

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